Immersion Assembly Term 3
Did you know that Olympics is starting in August the 5th?
This term we had an Immersion Assembly at 8:50 at july the 25th and. The whole Pt England School and the team 1,2,3,4 and 5 and it was in the school
Team 1
What was my Top 3 favorite team was and my third favorite because they were learning about how to be an champion and also. Learning about healthy food and. I liked it because they were showing us how to be healthy and that showed me to be an champion and my second favorite……..
Team 3
Team three was my favorite because they done my favorite TV show and it is Family feud but it was parody because it was quite funny because I like it how Mr Blakey is the main character in the in there movie. For Term 3 and My third favorite team is Team 4.
My Favorite part was team 5 because there the funniest because they were competition. and see who has the best dance moves and the countries were U.S.A and also New Zealand and. U.S.A was also most the best but New Zealand made me laugh because it was an man and it was mr wisemen and he won the comp.
And how I felt was at the Immersion Assembly was kinder boring because I was hoping miss george was giving me an chocolate.